Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Daniels
Mrs Daniels - Y6 teacher, Key Stage 2 Lead, Mathematics and ICT coordinator and occasional Pippi Longstocking impersonator.
Follow us on twitter for photos and updates of the fun in Class 6!
'Help your child at home' evening for parents: Thursday 12th October, 6pm
Parents, this year is a demanding year educationally and any extra support you can give at home is extremely valuable and appreciated. The curriculum is in depth and fast paced. This means there is not always a lot of time to revisit concepts. It is vital that you ask your child what they are learning and if they require any additional help to secure the learning. Please instill the importance of asking for help at school if unsure.
It is important that the children are taught a broad curriculum and with this in mind, we will be going on school trips, a residential to York as well as taking part in numerous sporting activities.
PE will now be a Tuesday and Wednesday and the children are to come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days.
We will be using ICT across all areas of the curriculum and have access to a wealth of resources including laptops, PCs, iPads and iMac computers.
Home learning will be set each Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. There will usually be a piece of Maths and a piece of English. The tasks will revise the learning which has taken place in school. I do expect homework to be completed to the same high standard as classwork and handed in on time! To reach expected standards in writing, children need to write with a fluent, consistant, joined handwriting style. Many children in the class are only partly joining. Please encourage tasks completed at home use a joined style. On occasions, homework will be uploaded to the school website or set on Mathletics. Arrangements can be made for pupils who are unable to access the internet at home. There will also be opportunity for extended project homework as we get more involved in our topic.
On a weekly basis, the children will have class spelling rules to learn (test day Monday) and times tables (test day Friday). Please support these essential skills.
There are a wealth of great websites to support learning in Y6 - please see the tab above for links
Mrs Daniels
Files to Download
Year 6: Wonderful Work items
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Year 6: Calendar items
Sportshall Athletics Final - Year 5/6 @ Shavington High School, by Mrs Bartram
High 5 Netball Competition, by Mrs Bartram
Bikeability, by Mrs Bartram