Mathematics at Weaver

maths hub logo.JPG  We are proud to be a Maths Hub school and are part of the continuing programme to develop teaching for mastery in maths in primary schools. This project is fully funded by the DfE and provides professional development opportunities for our teaching staff.


Please look at class pages for planning overviews. These will show you the area of the maths curriculum your child's class is currently studying - and what's coming up next!

The progression documents below show you what the children will have covered previously in maths that will be built upon this year and how the objectives covered in their current year group set a foundation for future learning.

Our Intent, Implementation and Impact statements, along with year group 'End Points', explain what we intend the children to know in Mathematics, how we're going to teach this and what we hope to achieve. 

Our calculation policy document shows you the methods, models and images that we use to support additon, subtraction, multiplication and division. Some manipulatives that we use across the school to support learning and expose the structure of the maths (such as the bar model and part-part whole model) will be shared with you during our 'Help your child at home' sessions for parents.

Useful links

Timestables Rock Stars click here

Mathletics click here

Files to Download

Weaver Primary School, Western Avenue, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7AJ