Instrument of Governors

The Instrument of Government for the Weaver School


The Governing Body for Weaver Primary School is described below. 
Other schools may have a slightly different composition.

The standard term of office for Weaver governors is four years, although the election and nomination processes differ considerably for various types of governor, as described below.

The Weaver Governing Body has 12 Governor positions from 5 different types of governor:

  • 2 Parent Governors (elected, mandatory)
  • 1 Local Authority Governor (mandatory)
  • 1 Headteacher Governor (mandatory)
  • 1 Staff Governor (mandatory)
  • 7 Coopted Governors.

Parent Governors are parents or carers of children enrolled at the school at the time of their appointment. Should their child(ren) leave the Weaver School during their term of office, they continue for the full four years. Vacancies for Parent Governors must be notified to all parents and nominations requested. A ballot of all parents is held if there are more nominations than posts available. The retiring Parent Governor(s) can stand for re-election if they still have a child at the school, but not otherwise. It is quite common for Parent Governors to become Coopted Governors if they wish to maintain a formal involvement with the school after their children have left. Should insufficient nominations be received, the Governing Body can nominate parents of former pupils or those still under school age to serve instead.

The Local Authority Governor is nominated by the Local Authority (LA) and appointed by the Governing Body. The Governing Body has the right to outline criteria against which the LA must nominate.

The Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body by virtue of their office but may at any time resign as a governor, and withdraw their resignation, in accordance with Regulation 19.1.

The Staff Governor position should be balloted among all teachers if there is more than one nomination. All school-based governors remain on the Governing Body only while they are employed at the school. Should they retire or resign, a new nomination is required.

Coopted Governors are ‘people who in the opinion of the Governing Body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school’.

Associate members can be appointed to serve on committees and attend Governing Body meetings. They are not governors and cannot vote but bring additional expertise and experience. These could be drawn from pupils, staff, or the local community.

Associate members can be appointed to serve on committees and attend Governing Body meetings. They are not governors and cannot vote but bring additional expertise and experience. These could be drawn from pupils, staff, or the local community.


Weaver Primary School, Western Avenue, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7AJ